Originally Posted by Valsdad
Not me, or my wife, or the dogs.

Our County, last one in Cali to have zero cases can no longer state that.

2 confirmed the other day. Was interesting in that after the mention in the press release that the two were from the same household and at home "recovering", there was a paragraph space, then this or something close:

If you have been in a bar in the last 14 days, please get tested.

Wife and I found it interesting. Wondered did the two positives work at a bar? Own a bar? Frequent a bar?

Asked a friend tonight who called on the day of the announcement (his wife works for county health dept) about it. Seems there is a tie in with a bar near here.

Gotta wonder how many others were exposed and might get sick. No doubt, there's going to be some "comorbidity" crap going around the bar drinking crowd.

Wonder if our Sheriff will start enforcing mask rules now.........I sorta doubt it, until it gets bad here that is.

I hope it doesn't get bad here, as our health care system sorta sucks, and would not cope well with a big Corona hit.

The Election is just a few months away, got to ramp this up.