My family all lives back east in Ontario, so I don't see them much.Talked to my brother a few weeks back and learned my Dad hadn't been feeling too well and had been in for some tests, naturally including the covid test. Apparently it came back positive, I found out yesterday. Kind of funny how I found out,another friend of mine who also lives out here and has his family back east asked me how my Dad was doing. Said i didn't really know, last I'd heard he was a bit under the weather. He says "Oh yeah, my Dad, my Uncle and your Dad all tested positive for the 'rona". Not too surprised, these older fella's like to get together everyday to drink coffee and bullshiett.

Anyway he's fine, never got any treatment. Buddies Dad and Uncle are both fine too, one had a fever for a couple days. These are guys into their 60's, my Dad has had a heart attack or two, couple stents put in and is quite a bit heavier than he should be. He got out of quarantine yesterday and I bet him and the boys are back drinking coffee and bullshiettin today lol.

That puts the total number of people I know who have had it at 7. No one had any real problems yet and recovered without need for medical attention. I was warned early on that my cavalier attitude would change once it affected me or mine. Just wanted to say it hasn't.