Originally Posted by T LEE

It's something Hillary doesn't understand - how some complete
neophyte came out of the blue and stole the Dem nomination from her.

He didn't come out of the blue and steal the nomination, he was picked and groomed for it by the big money that runs the democratic party.

Obama probably never had any deeper ambition than smoking dope and gay sex, certainly he had no accomplishments of any merit as mentioned in the article. He was identified by the powers that be as someone who could read a teleprompter effectively, answer interview questions with eloquence while still managing to say nothing of importance, and had the right racial mix to appeal to multiple segments of American voters from blacks to white suburban housewives. Someone identified him early on as possessing the attributes that could be groomed into a successful presidential candidate with the right coaching. He did none of it himself, I doubt the guy has ever had an original thought in his life.

He was a puppet. He followed his master's instructions, did their bidding while in office, and now he's reaping his rewards with multi-million dollar book deals that are nothing more than money laundering schemes used to pay him for his service. Throw in a $14 million mansion on Martha's Vineyard, unlimited travel on mogul's private jets to their islands and life is good for him. He did what he was told and now he's sitting back and enjoying his payoff.