Originally Posted by MtnBoomer
Please help me out brothers. I could use a great deal on a new rifle, I mean free would be good, you know considering what we're going through. Did I meantion my dad got killed last week? Yah it's tough but a local restaurant is holding a fund raiser for us. We're broke, just bought a pair of Harleys. Want a picture of my wife at the pool? She's hawt and looking for a few things to try. I wear two holster belts at the range. I am a Godly man, really the lord and I are tight... Snacked a bear like only the authority of a 340 Tarantino could. Got tips on someone that can help find it? I have a cabal of cable if needed. Say hi to my brethren in the Savage Collectors forum. Dumb old ladies and their money, ha ha, see what I did there?

Classic, boom boom.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.