I was just watching Pillow Talk tonight on Turner Classics. Tony Randall and Rock Hudson competing over a gorgeous stacked doll, Doris Day.
Rock Hudson won out.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

That is because it is all in the DNA. We have never gotten very far past what we were 20,000 years ago. It was the Ice Age in England, and Germany, and France.
About like living in the Yukon Territory today.
Life was brutal. Short growing season, about 6 weeks. People who survived could hunt big game. They had to kill mammoths or the big bison that roamed Europe.
A man who was not a good hunter would not survive.

It was brutal in January back in those days, with lows of 40 below. You needed to get into a cave. The caves were inhabited by giant cave bears, even bigger than a grizzly is today.
To survive, a man needed to go into the cave and kill the bear, then he could move his family in there. Also, he could start a fire and they could eat bear meat.

For a woman, she needed to find a man who was big and strong. He needed to be a good hunter. Once she had her baby, she needed a man who was a good fighter.
Because a lonely hunter type might come by, and see the gal, and decide to kill her man, and take the cave over. And then he would kill her baby. He didn't want to raise the child of another man. He would give her another baby. Life was brutal in Ice Age Europe, and our ancestors lived like this for 40 or 50,000 years. Hundreds and thousands of generations. Decade after decade, the woman who had a baby by the big strong man, survived, and her baby survived.
The woman who mated with a little guy who was not a good fighter, her baby died. And her DNA ran out.

In this movie, Tony Randall is a good looking guy, successful, had lots of money. He was about 5-10.
Rock Hudson was also successful and he was about 6-5. Doris Day threw Tony aside, and she fell for Rock Hudson.
Because, day in and day out, the big tall man can defeat the short man in combat.

The woman in the movies today prefers the big strong man, because it is in their DNA.

Another thing about the females, hearkening back to their past, from 20,000 years ago. In Ice Age Europe, survival meant lighting a fire. At 40 below, the man who could light the fire would live through the long night and so would his woman. And the baby.
When I was a swinging batchelor, for about 5 years I had a house that had a wood burning fireplace. And I noticed that, when I brought a gal over there in cold weather, even if it was the first date, if she watched me light that wood fire, I had it made. One hundred percent success in getting that gal in to bed.

There have been studies done on this. If the gal sees the guy flip a switch, and the gas logs come on, Nada. Nothing. But if she sees him light a wood fire, it is time to get back into the bedroom. She can't help it, it is in her DNA.