Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by jaguartx

But wrong. The blm and antifa and defund the cops and C 19 is all planned as a method of
1. Getting money from outside the US for the DNC
2. Stop Trumps economy
3. Prevent Trump rallies
4. Stop people from going to church and from peaceful gatherings this isolating people and taking enjoyment and hope from them so they give in to govt over reach and quit fighting back an to make them give up.
5. Justify people not going to vote due to dangers of anarchy
6. Cause vote by mail to rig the election
7. To defeat Trump and then destroy America.

Pretty simple.

Yes and they used fear as a way to justify it all. RHC was spot on.

Of course he was talking specifically about the COVIDIOTS in the OP vid and their hatred toward those not wearing masks.

It’s all by design as you rightly point out... and keeping the citizenry divided against itself rather than focused upon the common enemy (tyrants) is part of the design for which fear is key.

Thanks efw. I think you understand what exactly it was,that I said. I thought I said the same thing basically that jaguratx said,just differently.LOL
I don't know however that I am ready to dismiss Trump as having any responsibility for us losing all our rights. I've always been a loyal Rep.but honestly wouldn't we place more blame on a liberal democratic pres if one had been in office and this had happened?