I’ve been in Portland since Sunday night. I had 3 rigs that needed service maintenance done. Bought a trailer and a new quad for the wife. All required a visit to this shîthole.

Soooo, I’m walking our dog - on a leash around the neighborhood. There are signs in a lot of yards that say - either BLM or some other sub group of society, other than cops or white people matter. Seems like the people would be super-duper friendly. Not so much!

I’ve walked past no less than 6 different individuals without a single one returning my courtesy of “Hello” or “Good Morning”.

I’m laughing at these hypocrites who rant at us as being the problem in society while they huddle together on-line virtue signaling how Woke and Sympathetic they are towards those who’ve been on the tit of government handouts.

Crazy times...😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”