Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
Originally Posted by lvmiker
Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
I don't know if there is anything to this Q business or not, but it's interesting that the Russians bothered to hack it; makes me wonder if there might be a little something to it.

I’d tend to believe that the Russians hacking it has to do with the number of people who think there is something to it regardless of whether there in fact is.

Their business has been to sew seeds of chaos and that’d achieve their desired end whether Q is “legit” or not.

Agreed, undermining faith in our govt. and institutions has long been a Russian, and Chinese, tactic. The KGB had an entire branch dedicated to disinformation.

But it is more fun to suspect an Israeli false flag op financed by the Rothschilds. As goes Q, so goes the nation LMAO.

mike r

So, the Russians are undermining Q, which in turn undermines our faith that Trump is on tract to undermine the Socialists/Democrats that are trying to undermine him. Strangely enough, that actually makes sense to me. I think.

I don't imagine that many Americans believe that Q is a function of our govt. or an institution. It would appear to appeal to a rather narrow sub set of potential voters.

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC