"At the other end of the scale are my yuppie friends who have taken up fly fishing with all the gaiety of Jehovah's Witnesses. Where did these people come from? I think what happens is this: If you make over $80,000 a year and drive a Saab, somebody from the Fly Fishing Bureau of Indoctrination shows up at your house and teaches you to false cast in your living room. If you also wear steel-rimmed glasses and have an untrained golden retriever with a red bandana tied around its neck, they immediately present you with a Tonkin bamboo rod (two tips), a brain surgeon's headlamp, and a leather leader wallet embossed with Izaak Walton's profile. At a party, one of these instant experts actually sniffed, 'Of course you can catch more fish on a spinning rod...' Leaving the sentence unfinished, which is a clever way of saying, '... unless you are a total moron' without moving your lips... I most often see these guys heading up tiny creeks, muttering their catechism, 'egg, larva, pupa, adult,' while I'm walking down to bigger water. They end up on their hands and knees casting size 20 Pale Morning Duns to fish that began life in concrete pools, max out at 8 inches, and don't live through the summer. In a way, I admire these guys. What they do takes a lot of skill. On the other hand, so does knitting a hammock for a guinea pig out of dental floss. Doesn't mean I'm going to spend my weekend doing it."

Not a real member - just an ordinary guy who appreciates being able to hang around and say something once in awhile.

Happily Trapped In the Past (Thanks, Joe)

Not only a less than minimally educated person, but stupid and out of touch as well.