Originally Posted by dale06
Originally Posted by battue
The not so secret fact re most of the high end Pheasant destinations, is the hunters are flushing salted fields.

Mixing genetically inferior pen raised Birds, with the truly wild, imo is not all that wise. However, again money talks....


I’m not a game bird biologist, but I doubt of many or any pen raised birds survive very long in the wild.

I worked on a bobwhite quail radio tracking project and the wild birds didn't do too well either. Weather and habitat play a huge factor as well as predators. It's interesting that pheasants, chukars, and gray partridge were all successfully introduced a 100+ years ago but we can't keep the populations going today. Habitat and predator control(especially) are things that aren't being addressed.

I expect to see more pen raised bird hunting in the future as the human population continues to grow.

Quando omni flunkus moritati