The anti Trump politics at hand in this country is the immediate disease of worry. The COVID-19 disease is troublesome however the numbers are falsified greatly. False positive testing (upping case numbers) and false COVID-19 deaths abound throughout the data. It is without a doubt in the interest of the TDS crowd to supply as much disinformation as possible to inflict as much panic as can be had. It is a large confederation of haters that are in on this plan. Information control by Facebook, Twitter, Google. Media propaganda from CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc. Democrats and DNC trying desperately early on to take Trump out with Russia Hoax, Ukraine Impeachment Hoax, etc, now COVID-19. The only card they all have left in this insurrection is the virus. I have my suspicions that China is on board with the Dems as well and feels the virus couldn’t have come at a better time. They have now orchestrated the use of Teachers/Unions along with School Superintendents to hamper in the lock down and the use of state, city, local medical providers and County Coroners to falsify Covid-19 numbers. Yes they too have a large contingent of TDS personnel that will do anything to take out Trump. Think about Florida a prize swing state reporting all the erroneous positive testing percentages weeks back, they were off by a factor of 10X the real number. Scaring the older voters into going Biden was all they had in mind with that crap. Teachers demanding things beyond Covid-19 concerns like defunding the police and gun control or they won’t return to teaching so as to join in on the pain of keeping children home and punishing parents with the unenviable choice of providing care or going back to work. All these parameters are not a coincidence, they are an orchestrated 2020 campaign attack on Trump and his voters. We have seen the despicable in action for over four years now. Think long and hard about what is the deep state, it’s all around you with Antifa and BLM now providing foot soldiers and the visual intimidation. It’s all tied together in a nice big package of insurrection and dare I say treasonous behavior.