Bred my most fleet-footed, spunky female with my biggest, hardest working wheel dog. The mother is from my kotzebue litter two years ago. When those massive northwest arctic ravens would come in to snatch a pup, all her brothers would high tail it into the whelping pen. She'd turn around and give chase to birds three times her size. She was different from the beginning.

When first introduced to the adults, shed cup their noses with her little bear paws, and pull their faces to her's. All her litter mates were scared of the adults.

The father is a harness-shredding brute. Never fights, never any paw issues and never a limp. Tug line is tight from the beginning of every run, to the end.

Should be some good pups, my personal best anyways, after 8 years of brew refinement:
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