The problem with the Post Office.........Congress made it into a separate entity that was supposed to operate with no government money, YET mandated that USPS could make no major decisions without Congressional approval. In other words, blame Congress for the mess USPS is in. Also, the hiring practices forced upon them by the government has also had a lot to do with the preferential hiring practices to minorities and veterans............the biggest freeloaders on the planet.

The Post Office was founded to deliver mail.......letters, magazines, catalogs, newspapers almost exclusively, and the occasional package. Today, the mail volume has fell to it's lowest level ever, and the package business has increased probably a hundredfold. Their facilities are not set up to handle this package business, and that business is growing, while mail continues to decline. They have also been saddled with a number of inept Postmaster Generals, given the job as a result of their politics, rather than their knowledge of the business. It's a wonder they can even continue to operate.