Originally Posted by battue
Wrong again, I’m far from worked up.

The BS you are making up, is nothing more than pure BS. Turkeys consistently and cleanly at 40 yards with lead and a .410. Pure BS..

So you think Turkey’s are stupid and don’t deserve to be killed cleanly? You have the problem, not me.

Ha,ha? So juvenile, but not surprising.

You want to use the juvenile ha,ha. Will you are cappin. Look it up.
I believe anything deserves to be killed cleanly, even varmints. I also know a full ckoke .410 with lead shot often won't even take a squirrel cleanly out of the top of a tall hickory when you're standing at the bottom of the tree. And yes I've had several .410's over the years and used them with both 2.5 and 3" shells with 4, 6, and 7.5 shot.