Here's to the Magnificent HILARITY,of The Wuhan Clan swooning Chinese Reupolds,yet "fretting" a fhuqking O-ring!!! Read that again. Now one more fhuqking time. Hint. LAUGHING!

None of you STUPID Fhuqks can muster the 13 IQ Points requisite,to pitch said Reupold "mechanics" in the garbage,yet you fret a fhuqking rain drop! I'm fhuqking CRYIN'...I'm laughing sooooooooooo hard!!!! HINT. LAUGHING!

You Drooling Fhuqktards NEVER disappoint,due the fact you are doing your hilarious BEST and there has yet to be (3) rounds fire collectively,amongst your ranks! HINT.

Bless your hearts,for TRYING.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."