Originally Posted by slumlord
I ran around with no shoes till I was about 8,9 years old. Had thick callouses on my feet.

Step in dogshît out in the grass it squish out thru your toes. Wash it off with the hose, get a drink from the hose too while there.

Sandspurs were a mfker though.

I ended up getting some sort of parasitic worm about 4” long in the top of my foot. Looked like a vein, thick as a pencil. Mama didnt take me to the doctor for several months. Not sure if it was a money thing or what. My grandparents lit that ass up when they found out. 🤣😂

JFC, what kind of crazy parasites do you all got in TN?

Thought that shît was only in the Congo jungles or in Renny’s unmowed back yard.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”