A lot of Oldtimers in my parts like Moxi. Efffff that schiiiiiit. Nasty! T’aint root beer, t’aint cola, t’aint the doctor nor any of them in-between. Though that’s what they’d tell you. Crap is junk, is what it is. I remember being so thirsty when I was about 12 and had a quarter in my pocket when I got off my bike at the center of town. And grabbed the first orange colored can I saw assuming it was a nice orange soda. Bitch at the counter DID ask me if I was sure that was the drink I wanted,.... “well hell yes it is, lady! I’m parched here!”. Spat that [bleep] out clear across the store floor soon as it hit my pallet. And nope, she wouldn’t give me my quarter back for a different drink.