Originally Posted by RJY66
Originally Posted by callnum
Angry old white guys are not the NFL demographic.

They won’t miss ya.

Don't know exactly who their demographic is then. IMO, as one who was a football fan, it is and would have been in a secular decline in popularity even if they had never started with the SJW horsecrap. From what I see, younger people aren't that into it compared to their parents......in a similar fashion to they are not that into hunting and fishing.

I agree. Middle aged and older white guys are a huge percentage of the NFL demographic. It isn’t young kids, or single woman. Black men make up about 6% of the US population so that leaves a lot of gen x and baby boomer white men.
I lost interest in the NFL when they started making all of the rule changes to make it kinder and gentler and then more so after the concussion hysteria. It just isn’t the same sport even if they call it the same thing.
I haven’t watched a game in years and now with all of the liberal propaganda I’ll never watch another game and have no interest whatsoever.

Last edited by TheLastLemming76; 09/11/20.