
The reason for this post on racism is due to the fact that I found the ignorant comments posted by some in the NFL JigFest thread to be highly frustrating and somewhat sickening. These comments are a clear indication that these morons have virtually no understanding of American and World history, and their “enlightened” comments belie an overall lack of education. I also believe this subject deserves a separate posting.

Obviously, the American public educational system has failed miserably for a great many of these people. I am not sure exactly when the downward spiral began: many would say it began with the establishment of the Department of Education in 1979, but I believe it began much earlier than that. There has always been a cadre of socialists, commies and counter-revolutionaries in Western countries, agitating, running amok and causing general unrest and chaos, which is essentially their mantra, and I believe that the first manifestations of this began during the days of FDR – the reasons I believe this are many and outside the scope of this essay.

As with so many Leftist views, it is difficult to describe my [internal] reaction to their utter and complete idiocy. On the one hand, I know that the Leftist Elite have carefully crafted their plan to tear down America and the values and mores we hold dear as true Americans; on the other, there’s the incredible number of their blind followers – the people who believe in their plan to implement totalitarian & fascist rule. These people are incredibly ignorant of history, civics, the American Republic and the untold amount of American blood shed to safeguard our freedoms. (for a refresher on the different types of political systems, see: Political Systems , which is an excellent description on the different types of Government.)

Now we have BLM, Antifa and innumerable other subversive groups who use disinformation, propaganda, lies and outright subversion to attain their goals – and due to the incredible lack of education and understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law, which include activist politicians, judges and officials, who continually allow these miscreants to get away with their illegal activities, while law-abiding Americans, who by and large are white, are punished beyond the scope and limits of the law. (See my previous essay on “Hate Crimes”).

I am completely fed-up with it all and I continually tell myself that I’m done with politics, but as an educated, Conservative American, I cannot escape it. These issues are simply too important to ignore and every time I read the news reports I’m left feeling hollow, there’s a deep pit of disbelief, disgust and nausea in my stomach and I just want to throttle all these people collectively – but is it really their fault when they’re simply a product of their environment – they’ve been indoctrinated their entire lives and have been bombarded by Leftist core ideals through every facet of their lives: The Public Indoctrination Education System, the MSM, social media, their parents, their friends, Hollywood movies, Television programs, radio, apathetic uninvolved parents, broken homes, ad nauseum. And these f*ck-sticks believe every bit of fake news they’re exposed to and to everything they’re told by the Leftist, lesbian, transsexual, who lives down the street in the publicly funded low-income housing. Pathetic. So, to answer my own question, yes, it really is their fault – maybe not entirely, but most these people are just like anyone else, they are individuals, most of them have brains and they are entirely capable of making informed decisions for themselves. The problem is apathy - it's far easier to "go along to get along" than doing the work necessary to educate themselves - many of these people are true morons that do not have the motivation to conduct the due diligence necessary to make an educated and informed decision. The others – the ones who are educated and over-educated, are far too invested in the lies to admit that they were wrong.

So I ask myself: are these Leftists dolts really so incredibly stupid that they cannot tell right from wrong and think for themselves? Are they really so incredibly ignorant that they believe the outright lies and subversion they hear every day, almost every minute of their lives? Can they not clearly see the blatant desperation of their would-be masters to completely rule their lives? The answer: YES.

So onto my essay:


Political correctness has reached epidemic proportions in this country and has contributed greatly to the problems we face as a Nation. We have been led to believe that “diversity” is desirable and is a worthy goal and an important part of America’s future, but what these “purveyors of change” fail to mention is what we, as Americans, are required to give up in order to accomplish this utopian goal. Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, has shown some highly negative results from “diversity,” which summarize as follows:

“[T]he greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogeneous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.”

A few of the negative results of this infernal diversity that has been shoved down our throats are:

1) College campuses are less tolerant that they have ever been before, which has resulted in the death of true debate and dialog. Too many teachers (particularly college professors) today use the classroom for indoctrination rather than education and they fail to use the opportunity to teach students to think critically, not reach certain predetermined conclusions.
2) People who hold traditional views on marriage and other issues are wrongly dismissed as bigoted, homophobic, or in need of being cured. In light of these diversity initiatives, we now have millions in the younger generation who view Conservatives and others who disagree with the Progressive Ideology as being sick, evil, or homophobic.
3) Diversity confuses rejection of Progressive views with the rejection of the person, which ends any productive debate.
4) Diversity is a fundamentally false premise, as proclaimed by the Marxist’s and is based, not upon reality, but upon the Progressive utopian fantasy, which simply does not exist.

Like so many Liberal/Progressive ideals, what “diversity” does accomplish, is the opposite of what it so loudly proclaims: a closed-off world that stifles debate, learning, and mutual respect.

Regarding anything pro-white, which we have been lead to believe is the epitome of racist thought, we now have the anti-white male movement and anti-white privilege movement. Just to name a few more results of “diversity,” we now have white males depicted as buffoons in television adverts, as inferior and stupid as compared to their colored counterparts, and we have nauseating revisionist history, most evident in today’s television programming, Hollyweird movies and academia.

The Progressive machine, who adamantly refutes pro-white beliefs, simply cannot provide an intelligent, irrefutable answer to the question of pro-white ideology. The reason? Simple: such an answer does not exist. Sure, standard liberal rhetoric, which is as self-serving as it is meaningless and repugnant, may be advanced as an answer, but the fact remains that the white race is responsible for the overwhelming majority of the advancements mankind has experienced – both technological, as well as, ideological. Yes, certainly the white race has made mistakes and yes, we definitely are not perfect, but can anyone name another race that has accomplished so much – or a race that has not made its share of mistakes? I’ll wager not.

Arguments supporting one race as superior to another are counterproductive. Certainly, there are superior individuals in every race (ethnicity). But why is national pride, and by extension, pride in one’s own race such a taboo concept in our modern “enlightened” society? Anyone who holds pride in their nation or their accomplishments are maliciously attacked, but only if this pride is based upon accomplishments by white men. The very term pro-white has wrongly been demonized, equated to Nazi pride, and otherwise relegated to the trash bin of history.

I moved from N. TX to W. TX 8 years ago and although I love Texas dearly, I cannot wait to move out of this W. TX hell-hole. I am simply surrounded by our ‘friends’ from south of the border. Everywhere I go I hear spanish being spoken. People attempt to speak to me in spanish, there are spanish adverts all over town. Vehicles sporting mexican license plates surround me and I drive in absolute terror of getting into a serious accident while my young daughter is with me. I see aluminum ladders, boxes, couches, weed eaters, and trash on the highway and streets on a daily basis – once, I even saw a desk sitting perfectly in the middle of the highway! You have never seen anything like this. My Father once told me that in the 1950s, there was trash all along the highways and roads and he was so happy that everything was so much cleaner now. In my current city, I often think of this story because there is trash and filth everywhere, and it’s sad and beyond disgusting.

My point is that there is a great deal of “immigrants” that have no intention of assimilating into our culture. Many of the “immigrants” in my city have never even attempted to learn English. They adhere vehemently to their culture and American culture be dammed – many of them have no regard or consideration whatsoever for America other than the government benefits they steal from us. Hell, the previous administration advertised US benefits in mexico! Over 85% of my city is mexican (hispanic) and I’ll wager it’s probably a good deal higher than that and that most of them are illegals. They bring their culture and corrupt ideals to America and we suffer as a result. Sure, I have met several hard-working, respectable and intelligent “Hispanics” and I respect their hard work and their success, but they are a tiny minority. I resent like hell that our government is pushing amnesty for these parasites and I further resent that nothing is being done to stem the flow of these illegals into our country – quite the contrary. Every day I feel like I am at the Alamo in 1836.

Now compare this situation to the massive influx of muslim jihadists into our country – see any parallels? I am simply beside myself that we as a people have allowed this progressive thinking to invade our collective ideology and that this is being used as a tool to secure progressive votes and thereby ensure that progressives remain in power ad infinitum. I could go on and on, but I believe my point is clear.

There is a concept I have been thinking about for quite some time now, which is largely based on the fact that I have been called a racist by my own brother and based upon my closest friend being called a racist by his own children. Racism’s current definition is 1)
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races, and 2) prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

I submit that racism, in and of itself, is not the terrible thing we were led to believe, that racism could indeed be beneficial to our nation. For if we realize and understand the principles and values that this nation was founded upon, we will be able to preserve our nation and our heritage, which is being torn down as fast as possible by the Marxists. If having pride in one’s own race and our accomplishments is racist, if being beyond weary of the parasites invading our country is racist, if disagreeing with our previous Pant-Load-in-Chief is racist, if desiring to hear English spoken by others on a daily basis is racist, then I guess I am a racist.

We had/have 0bammyyomammy (as well as the liberal media) vomiting the concept that restricting immigration in order to protect our national security is offensive, racist and contrary to our values. This is the utter nonsense coming from someone who purports to be a Constitutional scholar (0bammy) and it could not be further from the truth. Our Founding Fathers understood that the purpose of allowing immigration was to augment and safeguard our Republic, not secure untold millions of progressive votes to secure a permanent liberal ruling party who seeks to control every aspect of our lives. Indeed, the previous progressive administration and the liberal ideology so prevalent in America today, has invaded every single aspect of our lives and the things we hold dear as Americans. Every day there is a new outrage. Political correctness has reached absurd proportions, and I for one have reached my limit. I am ashamed of the direction our country has relentlessly been marching since the days of FDR. Thank G-d Trump defeated that criminal Cankles. We now have a brief respite regarding the relentless march towards Marxism, but we need to keep electing like-mined patriots or we’re doomed as a nation.

As James Madison stated in 1790: [the purpose of immigration is] “Not merely to swell the catalogue of people. No, sir, it is to increase the wealth and strength of the community; and those who acquire the rights of citizenship, without adding to the strength or wealth of the community are not the people we are in want of.” Are the hordes of hispanics and muslims now entering our country (not to mention the likely 30+ million illegals already here) the type of immigrant that will “increase the strength and wealth of the community?” I think not.

Conservative morals and values are anathema today, belief in traditional marriage is deemed bigoted and intolerable. Conservatives are portrayed as stupid, ignorant, backwards dolts. When the majority of the country is ignorant enough to twice elect an America-hating, radical muslim, demagogue into office, then what can we who are now in the minority do when every step we attempt to take is ridiculed, deemed an anachronism, and we are attacked and destroyed for our temerity to defy enlightened, politically correct liberal ideology?

I pray for our nation, for my daughter and for all true American patriots.

After the Constitutional Congress, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a woman: "so what do we have, a Monarchy or a Republic?" He answered: "A Republic, if you can keep it." Indeed. Can we, in fact, keep it?

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Last edited by High_Noon; 09/11/20.

l told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Make your life go here. Here's where the peoples is. Mother Gue, I says, the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world, and by God, I was right.
- Del Gue