We have some great heroes that stood up for our nation. They sailed over on the Mayflower. They endured that first harsh winter with very little shelter or food yet they stuck with it. But they had help. Then what about the men that stood against the British at the Battle of Concord, so aptly called the shot that was heard around the world. But they had help. Then there were those 56 brave and wonderful men that signed the Declaration of Independence who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. But they had help.

Does American have black heroes? You bet! What about George Washington Carver and by his use of the peanut and sugar beat saved more lives after the Civil War by helping people to avoid starvation than anyone in that day. But he also had help.

Then there was WWI, which came to be called the war to end all wars but it wasn't. As we know. With most of the world fighting itself and one side seeming to be about to win just who came to the aid and made the difference? Thousands of brave Americans. Yes we have heroes! But they had help.

No sooner than the smoke had cleared from WWI then Hitler invaded Poland and started WWII. In the effort to put an end to his advancing army the English were driven to the beaches at Dunkirk. Germany was appearing to be unstoppable. The British were saved by a miracle and got back home. While the war raged in Europe another front was being waged from Japan. The United States was not yet in the battle but was helping with supplies being shipped across the Atlantic by the Merchant Marine, one of the most dangerous parts of the war. Then on that fateful day on December the 7th 1941 Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor. The 4 days later Hitler declared war on the United States. Thousands of young men, who's hearts burned with bravery and love of God and country stood in line to fight for our nation. Many never made it home. Once again it was up to America to step in and stand for good against an evil that was intent on destroying the world. We prevailed! But we had help.

But beyond all that's been recorded in history books over the years we had families that raised their kids to be good people when they grew up. They went to work every day and paid their way through life. They valued freedom and knew the price paid so we can enjoy it. We get a glimpse of their greatness and willingness to lay everything aside and help friends, neighbors and strangers in times of need. We just spent time remembering all those that died on September 11th 2001. Many died trying to help others to live. Some rushed into flames to save others only to give their lives in doing so. In my lifetime there have been natural disasters like flooding, tornadoes and hurricanes where strangers helped strangers. The list is endless but through it all we had help.

So now we have people that pretend to be heroes that degrade our nation and burn our flag. They attack the helpless and innocent. In the name of a cause, that only exist in their own minds, they take a knee. They trash the very documents that were written in the name of God to defend freedom. So where are our heroes today? I hope they are seeing all that's going on and wondering in the hearts and minds what they/we/I can do to make sure freedom prospers. To set things right and then go back to the normal and mundane things of every day living. But we will need the same help that those great people of our past relied on and trusted in.

In the words of Alexis de Tocqueville "America will be great because America is good". That takes help. I know of only one source of help that will endure. The same as those great heroes relied in the past....God!