Originally Posted by gunner500
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by gunner500
Bless those people trying to 'rightfully' defend themselves, but have been slowly euthanized into believing they DONT live in commie shltholes! crazy ignoring and refusing to do anything about your surroundings for decades HAS dire consequence.

This guy was apparently right wing in his politics, so I assume he was doing all he could to make his government respectful of our Constitutional rights. I don't see how he's to blame in any way, other than, perhaps, for not moving to a more right leaning area.

Yep, pack up and leave those states if you believe as we do, do not continue to feed the machine that will eventually slit your throat.

People who continue to live in those commie schittholes aren't very bothered by the politics of them or they would have been gone a long time ago.