Originally Posted by wabigoon
Barry, either way, still not good.

Wabi, Normally, I am with you. However, the time for being "genteel" is over. Even Jesus expressed righteous indignation at the money changers in the temple courtyards. Being a Christian does NOT mean being a push over...

I have a sister-in-law who is normally a very conservative person. However, NOTHING you can say or do will convince her that Trump is not the root of all evil in the U.S. No amount of "genteel" will ever change her mind. Same goes for Antifa, BLM, and the Lame Stream Media. We are at war. It may be in an asymmetric war for the moment. None the less, we are at war.

In war, as else where, he who hesitates is lost. The time to act is now...