People are stocking up like the old days.

In my basement the previous owners built 10'x7' floor to ceiling wood cabinets sometime in the 1940s to store home canned food stuffs. Its full of the wife's various Christmas and other holiday decorations now.

On the plus side she's got couple hundred rolls of TP, 5-30 packs of PBR as well down there. As well as all sorts of canned items.

Remember when the local gas station/outdoor/hardware store stocked 100s of thousand of rounds in back stock not to mention all sorts of other things.

Our just in time delivery society over the last 30-40 years hasn't prepared us well for these types of events.

I figure the kids will inherit a basement full of SHTF crapola.

"Maybe we're all happy."

"Go to the sporting goods store. From the files, obtain form 4473. These will contain descriptions of weapons and lists of private ownership."