Originally Posted by Pappy348
Originally Posted by woodson
The idea of “crab cakes” in other states hinges on blasphemy.

Boy Howdy. Have to say though that I had some fine ones at the now-defunct Austin Creek Grill in Hatteras. They had a for-real chef there, and while not exactly Maryland style, they were outstanding.

Had to go to Easton on Monday on estate business, and picked up a bushell, already steamed, my first this year and maybe my last since my business on the Eastern Shore is about done. We've been eating them like pigs and froze a bunch as well for later. Nothing better.

Jeez. You went right by my house and didn't even toss one or two out the car window to me, or stop and pick a couple with the cold beer I woulda provided!

I like them steamed with rock salt about as much as steamed with Old Bay.

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty