We had a token black assistant director . I was put in under him at our plant. We had a rotating on call between us managers. He would routinely show up and reorganize the work plan and when it would blow up in his face, would then blame the on call manager. He was a nice enough guy, but almost got me and a few others fired because of his incompetence! It was the best day of my working life there when they had me report directly to the director instead. He was slated to become the director himself; but was so poorly qualified that it eventually became apparent to even the CEO that trusting a 120 million dollar manufacturing facility would be a very bad idea. He got away with things that would have gotten any other person fired multiple times. His mistakes cost tens of thousands of dollars and were almost weekly!

Anecdotal I know, but I know several other instances through the years. I’m sure there’s blacks that ARE qualified, but the quota system probably makes it harder for them as well. Ive seen the same with women as well. The only time the CEO ever called me about an interview I conducted was after A female candidate was brought in. BS office policies!

Yours in Liberty,