Originally Posted by rockinbbar
I didn't think you were posting as a liberal.

I just think there's some confusion about what exactly is going on.

Our country has two things going on now.

1) A rebellion towards socialism and globalism.

2) An active and ongoing coup to unseat a duly elected president that opposes said rebellion.

It ain't about race, or cops, or social justice.

It's about control and power. (Both of which the radical Left wants to hold over you and I.)

The sooner everyone wakes up and smells the coffee, the better.


To the OP I think your mixing analogies and concepts. I’d agree with all of the above. This is about a communist/globalist revolution and a presidential coup. It really has nothing to do with lynchings and moreover lynchings usually involved a guilty party in these circumstances not so much but that’s really a minor side point to the bigger points outlined above.