The French Revolution was the antithesis of the American Revolution. Ours was a just overthrow of tyrany, theirs was the imposition of tyrany.

Evil forces generally eat their own. Lenin has his "useful idiots". Antifa, BLM, are the "useful idiots" of the Marxist left currently trying to topple our Republic. They talk all the time about our "Democracy", but we have a Republic. Dr. Ben Franklin, coming out of Independence Hall in Philly was asked, "what have you given us"... His reply, "A Republic, if you can keep it"...

Well, that question arises once more. Can we keep it? We shall see....

A "Democracy" would be more mob rule, no Electoral College, the Swamp in complete control, leading to totalitarianism with "from the top" Commie type goverance and control. Commie govts. have "elections"..... Yeah, for sure. That's what the Swamp would love. They'll cheat, steal and sell their souls to get there. Greed for absolute power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, as has been said.

Citizen legislators have given way to career legislators with the bureaucracy holding most of the power in govt. Career politicians get rich, don't want to go back to the farm, want to stay and get even richer....

If we don't turn it around now, the long term prognosis isn't good. If we don't change direction, we're gonna end up where we're headed....