I wrote him off a couple of years ago when he did a promotional fitness video of his cheat meal. Fugger filmed himself downing about four pounds of sushi, and a plate of huge gourmet chocolate chip cookies smeared with peanut butter.

The meal was not the issue, he can eat whatever he wants. His bullchit commentary was the problem: he implicitly challenged everyone out there into fitness and bodybuilding to eat like him, basically said if you're gonna cheat, cheat like a boss and don't be a puss.

That's all well and good if you have been training like a maniac every day for your entire adult life, and are downing three thousand calories and 300 grams of protein or whatever ridiculous daily meal schedule he eats. For the average schlub, the kind of cheat meal he was bragging about would probably set them back by two weeks. Probably didn't put a pound on him though.

Bunch of misleading horseshit, for no reason other than to brag.