We have several hundred reports now of molestation and abuse at our service academies, Air Force, West Point. That number is actually much higher as most incidents are not reported for fear of repurcussions. Now that is from what is supposed to be from our "finest and brightest." In the regular ranks, you can multiply that figure several more times.
Women, in fact, cannot compete and get the job done physically in the field.
Women do, in fact, cause distractions on the lines as well as anxiety amongst the ranks about their safety. More risks are taken to protect them compromising everyone's safety.
Women being paraded on TV as prisoners demoralizes the whole nation.
Women being raped are more traumatized than the male soldier.
Men can nurse just as well as women, as well as do anything a woman is doing now there in the combat zone which is fact the entirety of Iraq, a theater where there is, in fact, NO REAR area for you uninformed in military matters. Why do you think there has been all the talk concerning protecting our rear and our flanks?
When men are not serious about protecting their women, I wonder and that is not dogma. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, some just demonstrate with their opinion that they agree with certain changes in our society that do not hold onto the cherished values of protecting women and children. For any Bible believers here, I cannot recall offhand God as a matter of course asking men to put their women into combat. Russia and the VC did, two communist societies totally w/o American values and little regard for life. Then again, our society has lost its way in many areas morally and each has an opinion of what is moral.