Originally Posted by KFWA
I have 2 concerns - one that Trump thinks he can wing it while Biden has done nothing but practice to counter Trump.

He won't be Hillary

and I think Wallace will structure questions that are focused on what Trump actually did and what Biden "would have done" so Trump has to deal with actual while Biden gets to talk about what he'd do as a make believe President.

Will Wallace press Biden on what he'd do to stop violent protest in Portland? Would he have shut down air travel at the first start of the pandemic? Would he have encouraged Governors to shut down their economies?

also will Wallace press Biden on issues that are particular to the division in his party - medicaid for all which Biden said was a nightmare in one debate with Sanders, the New Green Deal that AOC wrote with crayons, and open borders.?

I have low expectations for Wallace.

+1 on the low expectations for Wallace.