Originally Posted by Ginther
So this Poll is average of all Polls taken over the previous 14 days so it a good indication that Biden has a fairly BIG lead coming onto the home straight.

Even if you take a 4% Margin of error there aint no hiding that Trump is Looking at DEFEAT, put that in ya pipe and smoke it !!

Is the Senate at risk ?? big time, all of Trumps gains could be wiped out under Biden/Harris.

Whats that sayin ? Bet Big...... LOSE BIG !!


Only Fools like you believe biased polls.

I'll tell you what I believe. I took my lady friend to lunch at the marina in Lighthouse Point yesterday. It's a very exclusive housing area getting back to the marina on the water. On the way in through the neighborhood and on the way out, I must have seen 100 Trump signs. Guess how many Hiden signs I saw? 2. That's right. 2.

Pole that.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member