Originally Posted by 5sdad

I think that the point is that gender should not trump capability.

Once a corporation gets so big it becomes worthwhile to them to hire incompetent people solely to fill affirmative action quotas. A small company of ten employees can't absorb a worthless employee hired just because they checked a block, the rest of the employees have to pick up the slack. A company of 10,000 employees doesn't care if they pay one Black Hispanic Jewish transgender lesbian single mother with mixed-race adopted children $100,000 a year to do nothing. They're perfectly willing to hire them to fill the quota, tell them not to touch anything, give them an Ipad and let them sit in a corner for the next 25 years watching movies. It gets the government off their back and their salary is just a rounding error in the big scheme of things.

I remember when I was about to graduate college thirty years ago. We had a job fair where a bunch of big chemical companies had representatives interviewing our graduating seniors. We had several really smart water walker type white guys that anyone would have been lucky to have working for them. They were getting salary offers of about half the amount that the two black female seniors were getting. Those two gals were dumb as rocks, neither would have been useful for anything other than filling the affirmative action box.