I bought my first Ruger Blackhawk in 1978 and my last one last week, so I guess I like them. But one thing they all have in common is that they have after-factory grips. I can’t stand not being able to wrap all my fingers around the grips. I’m about normal height with normal size hands.

I just bought a new Blackhawk in .45 Colt. It has the factory synthetic grips and the description on the Ruger website says “Traditional western-style, hand-filling grip has long been acknowledged as one of the most comfortable and natural pointing of any grip style.“ So I’m thinking ok, they'll be decent size, but no, they’re no larger than their standard wooden grips.

Does anyone know why Ruger has always done this? Did Bill Ruger have very small hands? A long time ago some one told me they were designed so the small finger couldn’t grip them allowing them to flip up better on recoil and cause the shooter to feel less recoil. But that’s never made sense to me. I shoot better when I can get a firm grip. Does anyone like their standard factory grips?
