It will work fine if there is a break in the finish to allow the water/steam to get at the wood to swell it. If the finish is intact a tiny hole drilled just through the finish will allow water to get at the squashed wood.

I usually use a drop of water and a heat gun on a depression so I can monitor progress better, but the iron will actually work better. I have taken some huge dings back up to flush with no trace left. There are a lot of different finishes that will do a good job of filling the tiny drilled holes back in. I usually use a thick blend of shellac mixed to get the right color and padded on like a french polish.

For what you are looking at doing you might not need the filler. After the repairs are done go over the whole stock with a polish (I use rottenstone in oil on a felt pad usually) and then wax. It will often be impossible to find these repairs.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.