Albert Soady: "And Remnar? Well, he turned out pretty much the way you'd expect for somebody goes by the name of Remnar."

Well, NewGuy arrived at camp last night, and we all retired to the Thoughtful Spot for a conclave. Amid the gathering gloom, an approaching hurricane remnant, and bottles of Loch Lomand and Suntory, we got down to the Special High Intensity Training necessary to turn our friend into a full-fledged member of the Shamanic Dream Team. As I suspected, weekends will be somewhat problematic from his end.

The first major thing decided was his callsign. I think it was Moose that just offhandedly called him Remnar, ( a reference to Escanaba in Da Moonlight). NewGuy had recently watched this movie at our insistance to get him filled in on some of the details of camp life. Sure enough, NewGuy responded with a quip about bringing the pasties. In a flash, we had his callsign. He is now Remnar.

Remnar has some good hunting stories, but he was still deer-less. He'd also never been up the tree-- always hunted from ground blinds. We're fixing that. It was resolved that he would buy his first stand and we would endevor to place it at an auspicious location in two weeks. We have found such a place this AM. We also reviewed other blind locations. He will have access to Midway, Lazy Boy , Hollywood and a few promising un-named locations for setting up his ground blinds as he sees fit.

A goodly amount of single malt, provided by Remnar, was consumed last night, and added to the feeling of gemuetlichkeit, as we consumed mass quantities of bovine ribeye before retiring to our racks. Moose, Angus and Remnar went out this morning to hunt squirrel. We spent the latter part of the morning touring the farm in depth and deciding on a stand location.

Remnar and Angus both managed to bag a squirrel before the rain hit.

More to come. I am being called to Second Breakfast.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer