I'm afraid for this country and Donald Trump right now because he's CLUBBING the hornet's nest and I'm sure this scandal has tentacles that reach a whole lot of politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle.

We've all known in our hearts that this kind of corruption has been happening (on both sides of the aisle) for a LONG time. Why else would someone campaign so hard and spend so many millions of dollars for a $174k/year seat in Congress or the Senate? It's because they KNOW they'll be walking away a multi-millionare, especially if you can set yourself up like Klinton, Obama, Biden and all the rest of the swampers. Just look at their net-worth that we can see and, God knows, how much cash do they all probably have pigeon-holed offshore (remember the no longer metioned Panama papers)!?!? BOTH sides are guilty and that's why the Dems and media (who have to be getting their cut to go along with this too) are working so hard to bury this stuff and also why the Rebublicans, FBI, DOJ, etc. are so unwilling to dig it up and turn it over. I'm praying for some internal patriots to start "pulling a Snowden" and blowing their whistles now while there's still a sliver of hope that we can do something about this. If it doesn't happen very soon, the American public (Rebupblicans, Democrats and Independents) will be going down the waste pipe with one big electoral FLUSH at the hand of ALL of our career politicians!

Biden's most truthful quote ever came during his first press conference, 03/25/21.
Drum roll please...... "I don't know, to be clear." and THAT is one promise he's kept!!!