Jim, thanks for sharing.

Nothing warms my heart more than seeing kids growing up right. Great job there.

The kids look great. That brown dog looks to be an absolute jewel. And the sheep, well they look like sheep.

Takes me back fifty years. A neighboring rancher pastured two bands on the BLM behind our farm.

When the water was out of the canal separating the BLM from our half section (Oct 15-Apr 15), my siblings and I thought that BLM was our private playground. High steep hills to climb and run back down, and not another house for a mile in any direction. 8, or 10, or 12 year old kids can make some pretty good speed running full tilt down 200 yds of 10% to 12% grade.

I remember a lovely bright warm March day, we were playing in such a manner, with a band of 1000 ewes and their lambs grazing about 1/4 mile away on a facing hillside. When we took off running down the hill, the entire band stampeded in the opposite direction.

We ran dairy cattle and were smart enough to know we had screwed up. There was nothing funny about it. That poor Peruvian herder and his border collies spent about three hours getting the flock put back together.

We were careful to never run like that again in front of the sheep. The herder must have forgiven us, as he was always friendly and waved when we were playing nearby. Though we never understood a word he said, he sent us home with a very nice border collie cross pup one spring which grew into a fine farm dog.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.