Originally Posted by MAC
The problem is, Twitter is a privately owned organization. As such they can allow posts or disallow posts. My understanding is it is free to set up an account and there is nothing that forces anyone to have one. Gonna be hard to force regulation on it without also forcing it in sites such as this one. I have ZERO use for any of the big social media platforms and have never been on any of them.

The problem is that Twitter and FaceBook have monopolies on channels of communication. The old AT&T company was also privately owned but it was regulated so that it could not control or edit the contents of telephone messages. The same standard needs to be applied to Twitter and FaceBook.

If a newspaper censors one political party, it does not matter much because there are many other newspapers. That's not true with social media.

Your comparison with 24HCF also does not apply because the campfire has such a very small market share. And, incidentally, Rick Bin does not censor opposing views.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.