Explaining to the wife that it’s time to end her dog’s suffering from congestive heart failure, and loosing the damn mut at the same time is even harder than I thought.

The wife isn’t from a dog family, so even though she knows it’s something that needs to be done, mostly because I had put one down that was suffering (I mean put to sleep while laying on my lap)...
She’s not ready to let him go (me either really), the but the little guy is suffering so bad I had to carry him in and out of the house this weekend... it’s hard for him to breath, and his legs are giving out.
It’s hard to talk to her, and then sit down with the little [bleep] and try to comfort him.

His head is clear, but his heart and lungs are almost gone - and like all wives dog’s I and he have grown attached to each other..
I feel pretty torn up, and am going to miss the little chit, even though he was always a pain in my ass (acts more like a cat than a dog)..

This [bleep] is kicking my ass.

Last edited by Spotshooter; 10/18/20.