Originally Posted by Pat85
Originally Posted by Bob_H_in_NH

Either there's nothing provable there, or they should arrest someone. This news after news and speach after speach about evidence is crap. Time to put up or shut up because if you don't do it now, Trump is about to lose this election I fear, then IF there is anything there, its gone forever. There's so much smoke there must be fire.

This election has me worried, the stakes are MUCH HIGHER than 4 years ago. At that time it was Hillary and same routine, or Trump to tear it down. Now it's worse, we all know what Turmp will keep doing, so do the Ds, so either they are more worried or there's nothing there to worry about.

Time to put up or shut up.

If Trump is going to lose this election why even bother to prosecute?? It will be spun as a political witch hunt and the culprits will get pardoned in Bidens first day in office. Besides that, why do you feel Trump is about to lose this election?

Why do I think he will lose? Just a bad feeling. I don't think the D's are dumb and I think they learned from 4 years ago, combine that with Trump's personality putting off some amount of people and I just think this is not going to end well. Even if he wins on 11/3 it won't be "final" for weeks.

I also think all this rumor of the big news dropping has been going on way to long. If he had anything to sink Biden for real, it would have come out now. Most likely a couple months ago. There's only so long you can yell "it's coming" and have it be real. Same as the Ds yelling 'impeach", it's never real.

I think if C19 hadn't hit and tanked the economy and shot unemployment up, this would have been a slam dunk landslide re-election, now the Ds have done a decent job of shifting blame and I have a bad feeling about this.

Then IF Biden gets in, he will be president for 2 years and 1 day, assuming he lives that long, that lets Harris be president for up to 10 years.