Originally Posted by Skankhunt42
Originally Posted by Ginther
So the FBI had the laptops, declines to initiate investigation as nothing found
Guiliani then gets them back and has them for almost a year........
Suddenly 2 weeks out from the election they now have CONFIRMED CHILD PORN on them, and Chief Wiggum from the local County Police is looking into it, instead of the FBI

You would need to be 1 gullible turkey to believe this schiet.......

You Fugking moron, get your story straight.

Guiliani only got them a short time ago. The FBI had them for almost a year. You're one stupid bitch.

Not quite right, Rudy has never been in possession of the actual laptop.
The laptop was dropped at a repair shop owner by a very drunk Hunter and he never came back to pick it up.
After it became abandoned property, the shop owner looked at the contents and knew he needed to contact the authorities.
He knew who's it was and the chitstorm it would start if this became public and was concerned about getting Arkancided so he made a copy of the hard drive as an insurance policy.
That copy of the hard drive is what he turned over to Rudy.
If the shop owner had not made the copy the FBI would still be hiding it and we would most likely have never learned of it's existence.

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