Originally Posted by Bristoe
There was a grey fox that hung around a factory where I worked night shift. We would sit outside around some picnik tables at night during breaks and the fox would come up to get snacks from us. He wouldn't come right up to us. He would stop about 15' away and wait for us to toss him stuff to eat.

Management got all worried about it and set a box trap out to catch him. I don't know why. They were typical factory management control freaks.

One night everybody was leaving. Actually it wasn't night. We got off at 3 AM. One guy wrote "Fug you, signed The Fox" on an index card and left it in the box trap on his way out.

I don't know if they ever caught him. But he stopped coming around.

He have a preference for Sardines, or Vienna Sausages?

"Chances Will Be Taken"