Worked in the timber and tree removal industry until I got married at 30 years old. Loved the work but wanted to start a family and put down some roots. Working in the woods was kind of a gypsy life, plus had a good friend killed doing it. Had a kid on a climbing crew I was running get electrocuted as well. Been a structural fireman for the last 25 years, eligible to retire soon. Loved the fire service, but I feel it is my time to go. Got a good crew that I work with, but the politics are unbearable. Going to miss some of the guys, love the fires, the teamwork, training hard, developing and trying new ideas. Being there for the public. Unfortunately those of us who share those values no longer fit in within the department. I feel bad for the guys that I will leave behind on the job. Retirement spooks me but I got a small forestry business doing removals, thinning and fuels abatement. Love doing it! Got a great wife that works hard with me, house is paid off, and a decent retirement if I decide to go.