Originally Posted by Dutch
Can’t abide haphazard fencing, I’m big on new and hell for stout. But I was a little taken aback when I walked a fence line during hunting season and realized it was an 8 strand fence....... wondered if they were trying to fence the mice out.. wink.

I run 6 strands of barb wire with high tensile electric below the lowest barb wire and between the lowest and second barb wire, so I'm 8 strands as well. ...we're running goats (with cattle) which is about like trying to keep mice in/out..... The barb wire slows 'em down, the electric turns 'em around....

We moved to goats after much of the fencing had already been done with barb wire. The addition of electric to it was the easiest way to make it work for goats. In the future I may try only high tensile for cross fencing or new land.