Originally Posted by JakeBlues
Originally Posted by Spotshooter

I was part of a very large ISP did everything from Dial up Internet to the full Montey and a big chunk of VoIP, before that I “helped” hand .mil net to the college yahoo’s, that became the Internet. I have somewhat of a security back ground and wrote a bunch of the IT compliance crapola that is not in NIST and other places. When we (a small group of us) introduced cloud and distributed compute to Telecom they / we called it NFV.... (Network function virtualization).

But - Thank God Al Gore showed up - BWHAHahaha...

There are crap loads of marketing and mis-information out there... the real stuff isn’t hidden, it’s just not well understood and gets lost in the noise.
These days I’m a tech consultant on all this jazz.... that is when they can pull me away from gunsmithing.

I support about 1,000 computer enterprise network. MCSE, CCIE, CISSP etc. After I got off active duty, I did some reserve duty projects installing Siprnet fiber and equipment in some military base buildings. There's no such thing as perfect security but there's a few things people can do that make it a pain in the azz to compromise you and just move on to the next sucker instead with no security. Most of the time, common sense is a person's best defense. Not going to stupid web site or clicking on stupid email links etc.

I cut my teeth on SIPR and JWICS... 99.999% of security breeches were not caused by intrusion, but users clicking on stupid [bleep], downloading porn, etc.

Intellectual honesty is the most important character trait in human beings.