I'm trying to away from politics today so I checked out Dr. Ron Paul's YouTube channel instead.This video started off about politics but at about the 18 minute mark they show a Twitter video of Fauci talking to two other virus "experts" about the COVID-19 PCR test that is used to detect COVID-19. If you don't how the PCR test works it looks for DNA particles of a Corona virus in the samples they have taken from people. If they see any DNA fragments of a Corona virus in the sample that person becomes a COVID-19 "case". In the video Fauci tells the other 2 "experts" that if you magnify (they call it cycle) a sample more that 35 times you will get a false positive. IN THE USA ALL THE SAMPLES ARE MAGNFIED 40 TIMES! Fauci has been lying about the number of cases since this fake pandemic began and we are still locked down because the high number of COVID-19 "cases".
