What is the problem? We are all free to frequent the forums that we choose. Those that have a policy against political blather have a niche in the market place that either succeeds or fails according to their ability to attract and maintain participants. Freedom of choice is quite similar to freedom of speech etc.

This "free" forum allows a few to decide the standards and opinions that are most valued and denigrates and shouts over those that don't conform. Those that can deal w/ that fact stay and participate, others depart. Rarely does a day go by that former members are not mentioned and their departure bemoaned and blamed on the lack of decorum prevalent on this site. I value the info on hunting and the outdoors that I have received on this forum but many other areas are a freakshow that is amusing' but hardly of a high standard that exemplifies the value of free speech.

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC