I have four Coleman stoves, 1 is a 2 burner propane used primarily in the GN horse trailer. Not messing w liquid fuel there.

The other three are white gas. One is the “ big” 2 burner, called the 2 burner deluxe. It’s wider and has extra room for bigger pans. Now, it’s mostly relegated to being the water heater for scalding chickens.

The other I recently inherited from my late neighbor and hunting pard. It’s a standard 2 burner the fits nicely in hard panniers.

Third is a Peak 1 like discussed in another thread.

Occasionally the white gas will gum up and want to flare a little. The quick fix is to empty the tank and put in fresh gas w Seafoam. Light it, run it on high until it runs dry.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.