Beautiful rifle and heck of a nice deer!

I guess I'm in the minority when I say I'm not a fan of round balls. Nothing to do with accuracy, I've just had instances where I shot deer through the heart with them and watched them run for a long ways before dying. They only left blood the last half of the trail. One I watched do a huge arc in an open field so I knew where he lay,I just followed the trail to see what sign he left. The other just stumbled upon luckily while gridding due to no trail left at all. Discovered she only left blood the last 15' and it wasn't much but there was a bunch of it inside and around her where she lay. It was enough to convince me to switch to inline and use saboted 300 grain xtps. I do like shooting with rounds balls and the #11 caps but not at anything furry

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.