Originally Posted by steve4102
Did yoos guys watch the Gomert video clip.

The way I understood it was that he contacted Trump and told him about this server, before Trump could act, the military seized it. The military seized it to keep it from Trump, not to help Trump.

Thats not what Gohmert said. He said a tweet from a "German" stated that US military confiscated the server. We don't know who gave the order if there ever was an order, or when, to grab the goods. Could be either side...or not ...or.
Still fuzzy.

Last edited by SBTCO; 11/14/20.

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

"Unjust authority confers no obligation of obedience."
- Alexander Hamilton